Wendy Fowler, BS, LM, CPM & Nichole Hackney, BA, LM, CPM
Your Community Midwives

Midwife means “with woman.” It means to come beside a woman during the childbearing year, equip her with evidence to make decisions unique to her family, bolster her with encouragement and hope regarding the act of bringing a child into the world and keep a watchful eye on the unfolding of pregnancy, birth and mother-baby after delivery for any deviation from the norm. Midwives are experts in normal and like a well trained officer examining counterfeit bills, they know normal so well that when something abnormal crosses their path, they are quick to deal with it in order to prevent emergent situations as best as possible.
Provision or guidance by God
Meet Wendy: I am a licensed midwife serving both Texas and Oklahoma. I have served women my entire career. My heart is to help women learn their options, trust their body, and feel loved and supported through their motherhood. I believe the woman is the leader of her care and I am there to equip, encourage, and promote wellness.
Click here for more of my story:
“Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt.— John Muir