Providence Wellness

Joining you alongside your health journey

It’s time

You’re at a crossroads. It’s time to do something different. It’s time to take charge of your own health.

I can help.

I know you’re tired.

The system just wants to give you a bandaid fix. You’ve tried all the fads from late night google searches. You’re over it. You’re ready for a lifestyle change. But it’s overwhelming. The information age provides too many conflicting answers. You need a guide who’s been through it, who understands, who has fresh insight.

What I offer

Comprehensive lifestyle assessment to search out your gaps

Suggested lab work to be done for your unique situation

Customized plan to meet your wellness goals

Referrals to appropriante alternative practitioners

Assistance choosing herbs and supplements that promote wellness

Accountability, teaching, and equipping you with tools to change your life

Psalm 139 says we are fearfully and wonderfully made. That’s not just a cute nursery sign, it applies to adults, too. Discover how to move toward wellness in your fearfully and wonderfully made body.”

— Wendy Fowler, Holistic Women’s Health Coach

Let’s try something new in your life. Schedule a free consultation today.