Frequently Asked Questions
+ What is the difference between obstetrical care and midwifery care?
Midwifery care is a philosophy built on the wholeness a woman brings into her pregnancy: her history, her present life situation, her stress level, nutrition, and general well-being. Pregnancy is treated as a normal life event to be celebrated, not a medical event to be feared. The midwife is an expert in normal and like a well trained agent examining counterfeit bills, they know normal so well that when something abnormal crosses their path, they are quick to deal with it in order to prevent emergent situations as best as possible. In order to care for a woman at this deep level, visits are long (an hour or so) and the client has phone and text access to the midwife between appointments. The whole family is welcome to join in during visits and the birth.
+ Can you do all the tests and visits an OB can do?
Midwives see clients on the same schedule as OBs which is once every 4 weeks until 28 weeks, then every two weeks until the weekly visits at about 36 weeks. We check on you and baby each visit and I can do your lab work-the same tests a doctor would order. Ultrasounds are done in Decatur, Wichita Falls, DFW, or for our OK families, Lawton. depending on where you prefer to go.
+ Where is your office?
True Health & Fitness, 208 N Smythe, Bowie TX 76270. I also see health coaching clients virtually or via phone upon request.
+ What is your scope as a midwife?
As a Licensed Midwife, I am able to care for women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the first six weeks postpartum. I am also able to care for newborns up to six weeks of age. I can order and interpret lab tests, refer for ultrasounds, send clients to specialists in maternal fetal medicine, prescribe a limited amount of medications, carry and administer drugs during labor and postpartum and conduct newborn screens.
+ What is your scope as a health coach?
A heatlh coach specializes in wellness, not illness. I work under the philosophy that God created our bodies to work best when our wellness habits are at their best. We know what the body needs for optimal functioning, what gets in the way of wellness, and I can help you customize your nutrition, moving your body, mindfulness, and rest while lowering your toxicity exposure.
As a health coach, I can not prevent, diagnose, or treat a disease. Health coaching is not mental health therapy.
+ What if I am under a midwife's care and she suggests I see you for health coaching?
Your midwife will continue to lead your pregnancy/birth care and I will come beside you to help you with the goals you and your midwife have set for you (for example, to use diet to control Gestational Diabetes). She and I may collaborate as needed, with your permission.
+ Who makes up your midwifery team?
I have a great team made up of Nichole Hackney, who is just a few births away from sitting for her licensure boards (NARM), two RNs who have decades of combined experience in labor, delivery, & postpartum, as well as two assistants who are being trained in midwifery. Two midwives will attend every birth and at least one other assistant. Our goal is to have plenty of trained hands in an emergency but not overcrowd your birth-space.