Why This Midwife is Doing Home Births Again

In June I posted that due to the lack of help in the area I’m not doing home births.

Since then I’ve been busy taking care of moms with the Prenatal Care Program, learning our oldest daughter and son-in-law are expecting their first baby, soaking in the news that we are gaining another son-in-law next spring and working on a project I hope to help launch next year.

Then clients I’d served before called me and asked me if I’d be their midwife for their home birth in Oklahoma next spring. This family is a great candidate for a home birth but they lack solid options in their area. I was able to secure a small team, so I joyfully agreed to be their midwife again.

In the Christian world, we seek to hear from the Lord by seeking a peace in our spirit about decisions. I had a deep sense of peace about doing their birth. Then I experienced that peace when thinking about offering home birth in my area again.

In full transparency, it’s nerve wracking to not have established back up or assistants. My anxiety skyrockets when I ponder how to serve families in my area without more midwives or assistants to help. Yet I have found myself feeling that I am supposed to take a step of faith and offer home births again.

I posted on facebook that I am now taking home births again and immediately heard from a woman who will be in the area next summer and is interested in assisting me. Another woman in my circle feels God nudging her into midwifery. I’m meeting a new-to-the-area midwife for coffee soon. Will God use these women to help? Maybe or maybe He has another plan. But regardless, I know I am supposed to just be still and watch what He’s doing.

11/04/22 Update: I have a partner who can dedicate herself to assisting me at births next year and a student who’ll come on board, too! God is good and provides just what we need.


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