Women’s Holistic Health Coach Packages & Pricing

Holistic Health Coaching Package

Three month commitment $200 at initial visit, $299 month

Six month commitment $200 at initial visit, $275 month

-Comprehensive initial visit

-Suggested blood work* & options to obtain it

-Two 45-60 min sessions per month 

-Weekly check-ins via client portal

-Access to me for questions through the portal 

-Suggested books, alternative practitioners, allopathic practitioners, other resources 

Who is this good for? The women who is ready to change her lifestyle to deal with her health but needs tools, tips, encouragement, accountability, and education on holistic options. 

Common targeted topics: obesity, fatigue, frequent infections/weak immune system, preparation for extreme exercise event, adopting a holistic lifestyle, pre-conception lifestyle changes

* Unless you are pregnant or in the first six weeks of postpartumor, I can not interpret lab work for you but can direct you to information (and your doctor) to do so.

Pregnancy Nutrition Coaching

Three months: $125 initial visit $149 per month

Four months: $125 initial visit $139 per month 

Six months: $125 initial visit $129 per month 

-Comprehensive diet discussion at first visit

-Two 45 minute sessions twice a month for education and equipping

-Weekly check-ins and education as needed via the client portal 

-Guidance on how to implement a real, whole food diet

-Book and online resources for meal plans and additional nutrition information 

Who is this good for? The woman who wants to put the odds in her favor to stay low-risk during pregnancy by learning to eat nutrient dense foods. This only focuses on nutrition. For a more well rounded plan that covers more than nutrition, see the Holistic Pregnancy Coaching plan. 

Add one month: $299

Who is this good for?  The woman who is making headway in her goals but wants support for a little bit longer. 

Comprehensive initial visit + one follow up visit with suggested action plan: $250

Who is the good for? The self disciplined woman who just needs help determining what could be causing her health issue and needs tools to correct it. 

Follow up visits: $95

-Forty five minute visit to revisit/revamp/refresh the plan made during other visits. 

Who is this for? Anyone who has completed a package or other visits and needs to touch base for additional help but doesn’t need the intense help from a package.  

Holistic Pregnancy Coaching 

Three months: $150 at initial visit, $199 per month

Six months: $150 at initial visit, $179 per month 

-Comprehensive initial visit focused on your pregnancy goals and current lifestyle

-Forty five to 60 min session every three-four weeks until 36 weeks, then every two weeks thereafter. 

-Equips moms to achieve the healthiest pregnancy possible

-Assistance in navigating all pregnancy and newborn/postpartum options

Who is this for? The woman who is new to pregnancy and/or new to holistic living and wants guidance, encouragement, and to be armed with information. 

Gestational Diabetes Coaching

28-30 weeks gestation through end of pregnancy: $750 (three installments of $250)

-Diet assessment

-Guidance implementing Lily Nicols’ protocol

-Supervision of your blood sugar numbers

Who is this for? Pregnant women diagnosed with gestational diabetes who do not yet need insulin or metformin. This is great for community based birthers who want to stay with their midwife and must attempt to control their GDM with diet. 

Single (known) issue consults: $95-$149   

Who is this for? Women (pregnant or not) who know they have a diagnosed issue, such as low vitamin D, anemia, or a UTI, and desire to treat it with natural methods (or as natural as possible). You do not need a midwife’s referral to work with me but this is perfect for midwives who have clients who need extra help. 


Women’s Holistic Health Coach


“I need an Ob/gyn.”